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China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, the four members of the Sixth Congress
Updated:2015-11-07    Click:

      China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, four sixth member congress Council on 12 May 2015 was held in Beijing. Council unit representatives, member representatives, affiliates and invited the Secretary-General and representatives of a total of 143 units of 183 people attended the meeting. Vice Minister Sun Changji former Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Ministry of King Xiaobo, deputy director of China Machinery Industry Federation, vice president Yang Xuetong attended the meeting. Leaders AQSIQ Special Equipment Bureau, the State Trademark Bureau, also attended the meeting.
      The conference is to implement the party's eighth session of the Third and Fourth Plenary Session of the Central Economic Work Conference, the "two sessions" spirit, analyze the situation and review the work; in the economic development of the new normal, and promote the heavy machinery industry, "transformation and upgrading, two fusion, energy saving "work; arrangements to develop" an important meeting Thirteen Five "plan and other related work. The General Assembly first speech Comrade Yang Jianhui, chairman of the Sixth Council. In his speech, the analysis of the heavy machinery industry development situation, the association put forward the objectives and requirements. Executive vice president, Comrade Li mirror Sixth Council representatives in the General Assembly made a "hit industry in the development of new space in the new normal," the work report. Report first reviewed the past year the development of the heavy machinery industry, analyzes the main features of development of the industry in 2014, we reviewed the past year the industry around the "transformation and upgrading, integration of the two, energy saving" main line of development, continuous innovation-driven, actively explore the growth pattern of work achievements, and in 2015 the situation facing the industry, favorable and unfavorable factors were analyzed, hit a new space for the development of heavy machinery made comments under the new normal.
       The report of the association in 2014 to do a comprehensive summary of the main work. Association conscientiously implement the spirit of the party's 18, according to the 2014 Association of work, maintaining the overall interests of members, to establish communication platform, to government departments to reflect the situation, make recommendations and so on, a lot of useful work.
       Comrade Li mirror in the report, the work of the branches of the year to give full recognition. All branches under the leadership of each director, with the support of members, industry experts and scholars, the binding characteristics of the industry carried out a colorful and fruitful activities, has been welcomed and recognized member units to improve the cohesion of society and enhance the vitality. The report also arranged the 2015 Association of major work. Yue Jianzhong Secretary-General to do the "2014 Annual Financial Report."
       At the meeting, Vice Minister Sun Changji former Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Ministry of King Xiaobo, deputy director, vice president Yang Xuetong the machine together have made an important speech. Analyzes the current situation and problems of the current development of the heavy machinery industry, the industry business, industry work, and work of the association raised hopes and demands. Invited Comrade CaiWeiCi China Machinery Industry Federation Special Adviser, describes China's machinery industry situation and development trend of the current. The meeting also invited the State Trademark Bureau of the leaders on how companies use rights for the interpretation of the Trademark Law; School of Mechanical Engineering Shanghai Zhou Ji University, Professor Zhou Qicai on the "German Industry 4.0," do explain.

       Before the conference, held the sixth five executive council. Organized by the Sixth Council executive director Comrade Li presided mirror, consider the association in 2014 "Report," "Financial Reports", "members of Congress on behalf of the method" and motion, we agreed to consider the above proposal submitted to the General Assembly vote. Fifth-sixth executive council also approved the "four members of the Sixth Congress of the agenda"; informed recognition "2012--2014 year advanced branch" review activities, for consideration by the recognition decision; passed the "apply to join New Member Association "and other motion; Standing Council also examined the association of other work. After careful consideration of the delegates, the General Assembly unanimously adopted a five-sixth executive council of three motions submitted to the General Assembly.

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