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Advanced gourd branch member unit selection method of lifting China Heavy Machinery Association (Trial)
Updated:2015-11-07    Click:
I. General Provisions
      The first recognition of advanced, to promote the healthy development of the hoist industry, China Heavy Machinery Industry Association Branch of the hoist (hereinafter referred to as the club) decided to carry out advanced member of selected activities (hereinafter referred to as the contest), to regulate the contest, formulated.
      The second contest adhere to fair, just and open principles.
      Third member units to participate in the selection in accordance with the principle of voluntary declaration.
      Article selection activities and the establishment of the selection committee responsible for the Branch Secretariat, members of the selection committee and vice president of the unit by the branch representatives and industry experts.
      Article contest every two years, the specific time and subject to the notice requirements in the year.
Second, the selection condition
      Article branch of member units (more than two years to join club members) are eligible to apply to participate in selected activities.
      The seventh member of the selection of advanced condition
      1. Conscientiously abide by national laws and regulations, implementing the relevant state industrial policy, hoist standards, norms and rules about line, no bad behavior record, good reputation in the community;
      2. Technological progress and development in the hoist industry outstanding contributions, can consciously safeguard social image of the industry, has played an exemplary role in the industry;
      3. Business leaders with a strong sense of social responsibility; enterprise management system and improve the specification; outstanding social and economic benefits; focus on product development and innovation; focus on corporate brand.
      4. Workforce stability, good overall quality, strong team spirit; a sound on staff training and promotion mechanisms.
      5. Actively participate in China Heavy Machinery Association network, timely and accurate reporting of data.
      6. Compliance with regulations branch work and fulfill the rights and obligations of member units, timely payment of contributions;
      7. Branch organizations actively participate in industry events.
Third, the selection procedure
      Article VIII Branch Secretariat to develop a detailed implementation plan and selection activities organized selection quantitative indicators, after the vice chairman of the meeting by publishing contest notice.
      Article IX requirements to participate in the selection of members of the unit in accordance with the way the fifth, six predetermined condition and then contest notifications, prepare application materials, according to the Times Branch Secretariat and responsible for the authenticity of their application materials.
      Article X Club contest organized in accordance with embodiments of the number of units and reporting to determine the number of experts of the Selection Committee, the selection of experts in principle by the 7 to 9 members.
      Article XI selection experts should carefully review the application materials, strictly independent ratings and recommendations are in accordance with the award-winning unit scoring. Selection Committee based on expert ratings and recommendations, a comprehensive selection results determined.
      Article 12 on the club website publicity evaluation results two weeks, without objection, to the public.
      Article XIII was voted out of the advanced member of the club awarded the "advanced member unit". Certificates, medals, and in China Heavy Machinery Association official website, club's official website, "Chinese heavy machine communications" and other related industries, online and offline media propaganda under.
Fourth, Supplementary
      Article XIV as false application materials, will cancel its selection qualifications, serious misrepresentation would be criticized.
      Article 15 These Measures December 2, 2014 by the China Heavy Machinery Industry Association voted second secondary branch hoist member General Assembly.
      Article XVI of the "selection methods" approved by China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, the date of entry into force.
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