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How to buy hoists?
Updated:2015-11-07    Click:

Currently on the market a wide variety of chain hoists, the price reference times ranging from how to choose a suitable for many brands and cheap your chain hoists it?
1, we need to know how much your lifting tonnage: general tonnage chain hoists have: 0.5T, 1T, 2T, 3T, 5T, 10T, 20T, 30T;
2, lifting height: general standard chain hoists lifting height of 3 meters and 6 meters, can reach up to 30 meters, select the appropriate without lifting height according to the occasion;
3, product identification, for example: 3t * 6m;
4, quality requirements, generally used chain hoists regular factory produced more assured, many small businesses market production hoist, chain links made using welding manner, tensile strength is not enough, hoist steel is relatively thin, security coefficient difference.

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