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Service Statement
Updated:2015-11-07    Click:
In order to truly achieve "high-quality rings products," the purpose, we special to the community, the majority of users commitments are as follows:
1, to further improve the corporate quality assurance system, strengthen quality management, ensure that products meet the national or industry standards.
2, to ensure that the contract required delivery. The need for technology and services to send professional and technical services, technical guidance, installation, commissioning work, provide relevant information to enable the product to function properly.
3, to ensure that provide users with excellent sales service. If the product quality problems in the "three guarantees" period, timely responses and propose solutions to problems.
4, to ensure cash product "three guarantees" (refunding, replacement, repair) service provision, "three guarantees" period from the date of purchase of the product by the parties to the contract, the product of "three guarantees" period indeed Products quality issues, strictly fulfill its obligations under the contract. Where more than "three guarantees" period of the product, if the user needs service, ensure the provision of maintenance services.
5, if the user needs for technical training, the company should assist user training operation, maintenance, repair and other relevant personnel.
6, the user letter calls, visits and other information, in a timely manner to register transfer, analysis, processing, feedback, etc., as far as possible to customer satisfaction.
Service: 0635-8321150
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